School’s Responsibilities
The school will:
- Encourage children to do their best at all times;
- Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them;
- Deal with all children in a fair and consistent manner;
- Inform parents about what the teachers aim to teach the children each term;
- Inform parents of children’s progress at regular meetings;
- Inform parents of any concerns or worries we have about the child’s general performance and welfare.
Child’s Responsibilities
The child will:
- Follow the school’s code of behaviour which says:
- “We believe that everyone in our school has the following rights and responsibilities:
A right to respect – A right to learn – A right to safety - Always be good ambassadors for the school;
- Always do their best.
Parents’ Responsibilities
Parents will:
- Make sure that their child arrives at school between 8.40am and 8.55am;
- Make sure that the child attends regularly and provides a note of explanation if the child is absent;
- Ensure the child has a basic PE kit which comprises plimsolls, dark shorts and a burgundy top;
- Support the school’s policies and guidelines for homework, behaviour, jewellery and dress;
- Show respect for everyone at school and the property of others;
- Make every effort to attend parent consultations;
- Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect their child’s work or behaviour.
- Parent/Carer School Attendance Guide
Good Behaviour Plan
As you know, good behaviour is of prime importance not only for the children to learn but also because we would like to help produce good citizens in the future. Our school follows “Good to be Green” which recognises and rewards good behaviour.
There are occasions when we would like to use some of the pupils’ photographs on our website or in publications, such as local newspapers, particularly when they have been involved in an event or activity. No children will be named. Please sign indicating your agreement for the school to take photographs for use as mentioned.
The complete Homework Policy is available from the school office, however, in summary:
- We expect that all children should read either to their parents/carers, or, for more fluent readers on their own, at least 3 times a week;
- Weekly spellings, either independen practice or a prescribed task;
- Times table practicse (little and often);
- Each year group will be set a homework menu each half term. We recommend that they complete one item per week, but they are free to do more if they wish.
At certain points throughout the year, such as during the run up to national tests, children may be set additional homework. This is optional but recommended.
Allergies & Medical Conditions
The school needs to know about any medical conditions your child suffers from which may affect them at school. Please ensure you complete the school’s medical conditions form. For allergy suffers, please also indicate on the enclosed form which allergy(ies) your child suffers from followed by your signature and date.
Permission for School Walks and Visits in the Local Area
Topic work that your child is working on in school often concerns the local environment. Local walks and visits can be a great help to your child in connection with their work.
To help us plan these in the local area and taking into account how unpredictable our weather can be, it would be very helpful if you would give your permission by signing the enclosed form.
Walks in groups or as a whole class will always be accompanied by a teacher or other responsible adult. The walk will be in school time and will not involve transport of any kind.
Internet Use Permission
Pupils are asked to fill in a form agreeing to use the internet in a sensible and responsible way and will follow the school’s rules on internet use.
As the parent or legal guardian of the pupil signing the form, you must grant permission for your child to use electronic mail and the Internet. Whilst every effort is made to ensure safe use of the internet through RM Safety Filter, you must understand that total safety cannot be guaranteed.
You must also understand that pupils will be held accountable for their own actions.
Some material on the Internet may be objectionable and you will need to accept responsibility for setting standards for your child to follow when selecting, sharing and exploring information and media.