School Uniform Policy Statement
The wearing of Alton Park uniform is expected as an integral part of school life, helping to foster a sense of community spirit. It is expected that full school uniform will be worn whilst travelling to and from Alton Park as well as during the normal school hours.
We believe good standards of dress promote a positive attitude to work and behaviour and identify pupils to local residents and future employers as members of an efficient organisation. The co-operation of all parents and carers is requested to ensure that pupils are in correct uniform at all times.
Please Note
Alton Park Junior School makes the final decision as to what is or is not acceptable in all aspects of a pupil’s appearance.
Roles and Responsibilities
- It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to establish a policy and procedure for school uniform and to monitor the effects of the procedure.
- It is the responsibility of the Headteacher to ensure the uniform policy is publicised to parents and pupils and adhered by pupils and to address promptly any non compliance of the policy using informal procedures where possible but implementing formal procedures where necessary.
- It is the responsibility of all staff to familiarise themselves with this policy and procedure and to address non compliance by pupils promptly using informal means where possible but implementing formal procedures where necessary.
- It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that they provide their children with the appropriate uniform and support Alton Park as it upholds standards relating to physical appearance.
- It is the responsibility of pupils to ensure that they meet the standards required of them regarding uniform and physical appearance.
All hair styles must be securely fixed back for all Physical Education. Extremes of hairstyles are not acceptable and no colour in the hair other than natural colours is acceptable.
- There is a strong support from members of the community for the school uniform, which is worn by all pupils.
- School uniform can be ordered on-line from The school also holds ‘Second Hand’ Uniforms Sales throughout the school year and these will be advertised to all members of the School Community.
- A detailed uniform list is available (see below). Parents of new entrants will be given full details of uniform and PE clothing prior to their child’s start date at Alton Park.
- Jewellery is not permitted except for a wrist-watch. One pair of gold or silver studs or small sleepers may be worn: i.e. one stud/sleeper in each ear lobe only.
- Make-up and nail varnish are not permitted.
Monitoring and Review
- The headteacher will report on the Policy to the Local Governing Committee as appropriate.
- The Governing Body will review the Policy every three years.
School Uniform
Our school colour is maroon.
- School sweatshirt or fleece – no logos other than the school shell.
- White polo shirt.
- Grey or black trousers. Grey or black skirts or pinafores.
- Black shoes appropriate design i.e. no heels, strappy designs.
- As winter, plus grey or black shorts – not sports shorts.
- Red and white check dresses.
- No strappy tops or dresses please.
- Sun hats – Alton Park School baseball caps available.
Boys: Traditional-style swimming trunks only.
Girls: Swimsuits – no bikinis.
Children with long hair must wear a swimming hat.