Keeping Safe Online
The links below will direct children and parents to resources that can help to make them aware of the risks of this technology and how to keep themselves safe while using them. Click on the links below to see the sites.
eSafety Training
‘The 2 Johns’ provide advice and training for parents and carers on internet safety.
Google Safe Search
Safe Search for Kids is the child friendly search engine where safe search is always ‘on’. The safe browsing feature on this website overrides your computer search settings to help remove potentially explicit material when searching Google.
On this site you will find all the information you need to keep your child safe online. If you’re puzzled by parental controls or would like to know more about gaming, this site can help. It can be challenging to keep up to speed with what children and young people are doing online. On this site you’ll find a whole host of useful ways to keep your child safe.
Parent Zone
Offers a range of resources for families, to help them meet the challenges of the digital age, including parent guides on the latest digital trends and platforms.
BBC Own It
Test your internet safety knowledge with quizzes and explore safety advice and resources for parents and children.
NSPCC Online Safety Advice
As part of our ongoing campaign to ensure children are kept safe online we would like to draw your attention to the guidance supplied by the NSPCC for you to support your child to stay safe online.
We constantly monitor the children’s usage of the internet at school and provide advice and guidance to stay safe, but if you would like to help making sure they use the net responsibly at home or when with friends then please contact the school for further support.
Includes a range of resources to help parents keep children safe when they’re using the internet, social networks, apps, games and more.
Internet Matters
A not-for-profit organisation set up to empower parents and carers to keep children safe in the digital world. Their support for parents includes a range of downloadable guides covering subjects such as transition to secondary school, Vlogging & livestreaming, online gaming and cyberbullying.