Parent Governor Vacancy

Parent Governor Vacancy
October 12, 2023 Alton Park
In All School News

Alton Park Junior School is a member of The Sigma Trust. In order to assist with the discharging of their responsibilities, the Trustees have established Local Governance Committees (“LGC”) for its Academies who are directly accountable to the Trustees.

The LGC of Holland Park Primary and Alton Park Junior Schools currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor and welcomes applications from parents who are keen to make a positive contribution to our school. In this voluntary role, you will work as part of a team and play a vital role in ensuring the Local Governing Committee is connected with parents and the community.

What does a good Parent Governor need?

  • A strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for pupils.
  • Good interpersonal skills, a willingness to learn, develop new skills and attend relevant training.
  • The ability to support and challenge the school and contribute to the vision and direction of the school.
  • The ability to attend and contribute in meetings whilst maintaining confidentiality.
  • The ability to work as part of a team and value the contributions of others who may hold alternative views to your own.
  • An understanding that this role does not involve discussing your own child.
  • To attend at least one full meeting a term.
  • To be willing to join a subcommittee/working party which may meet termly.
  • To visit the school in between meetings to gain a greater understanding of the school, how it functions and progress towards goals.

Being a Governor is a “hands off” role – decisions made by Governors influence the whole school, but Governors are not responsible for, or involved in, the day-to-day running of the school.

For an informal discussion regarding the role please contact the Headteacher (via the school office).

If you would like apply, please complete the application form, which is available below or a paper version is available from the school office. Applications should be returned to the school office or emailed to [email protected] by noon on Monday 30th October 2023.

Anyone who has a child on the roll of the school at the time of the election is eligible to stand (and you do not have to resign if your child leaves during your term of office). If there is more than one candidate, a ballot will be held. More details will follow if this is required.